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Diet Restrictions for Sealants

Sealing over the pits and grooves of teeth is a very wise and preventive measure, congratulations!

The following are precautions you should be advised of to get the most benefits from the sealants.

It is very important to follow the diet restrictions listed below:

  • Do not eat sticky candy such as taffy, "Red Hots", "Jolly Ranchers", etc. This can pull the sealants out. (chewing sugarless gum is okay)
  • Do not bite on extremely hard foods such as hard, clear ice cubes, unpopped popcorn kernels, etc. This can break or chip part of the sealant out leaving the tooth susceptible to decay.

Parents should keep these diet restrictions in mind when allowing your child to snack. We offer a one year guarantee on all sealants. Any that are lost in less than one year (excluding abuse) will be resealed at no charge. However, with reasonable diet and care, most people get many years of service from a single sealant. All previously sealed teeth will be checked at preventive hygiene visits for any possible loss or breakage of the sealant.

Thank you for allowing us to be your preventive health care team.

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Palo Alto Dentist
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Dr. Rabindra Sahdev

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Palo Alto Dentist
882C Emerson Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301
General Info: (650) 566-0999

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